Ryan Kelly

Ryan Kelly
Martial Arts Instructor

Teaching Credentials and Experience: 

  • I have been training in the martial arts for over 34 years
  • certified Senior Instructor of Jeet Kune Do
  • certified Instructor of Filipino Martial Arts
  • certified Sambo Instructor
  • certified second degree Black Instructor of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • certified Judo Black belt Instructor

Courses: Self Defense, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu I and II, Mixed Martial Arts I and II, Jeet Kune Do I and II, Kickboxing, Women's self Defense II, and I co-teach Women's Self Defense.

Martial Arts and self-defense made such a huge difference in my life and helped me to feel confident and safe. It is such an honor and a privilege to be able to teach and empower others! On top of that, I get to work with a group of people who are so incredibly passionate about helping all students achieve their full potential, that it continues to inspire me every day!

I stay pretty busy teaching full time at the university and running my own martial arts academy. With the little bit of free time that I have, you can find me wandering in the Oregon wilderness with my wife and kids. We enjoy hiking, fishing, mushroom hunting, and all things wild.